Wisconsin is known nationally for having some of the strangest weather patterns in the Midwest. The farther north you go in our state, the more your vehicle sees both slush and grime from the roads. There is absolutely no reason that residents of Egg Harbor, WI should drive an unprotected car, truck, or SUV. Finding the perfect paint protection package is made easy here at Bayside Auto. Having a certified ceramic coating installation team that works with Opti-Coat products, our hydrophobic, glossy, and stylish ceramic coatings prevent environmental and human made contamination from collecting on your vehicle’s surfaces. These packages will show an improvement in your ride’s long-term value as well!
CALL (920) 818-0955
Having to wash your car, truck, or SUV every time it is exposed to environmental or harmful human made contaminants here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin is nearly impossible. Knowing that your paint, metal, glass, and other exterior surfaces are protected in-between detailing appointments is possible with our Opti-Coat Coating packages!
Mother Nature has no feelings towards your pride and joy, and she will continue to snow, rain, sleet, and cast harmful UV rays down onto it every day. Find a sacrificial yet sleek layer of auto paint protection in our ceramic coating packages here at Bayside Auto and repel ultraviolet exposure, tree sap, bug splatters, and more that you might encounter here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin.
Each protection characteristic that comes with a ceramic coating is remarkable, yet the gloss, depth, and shine brought your automobile’s paintwork and more is really what keeps our ceramic coating packages in the spotlight! The nanoparticle-infused ceramic coating packages here at Bayside Auto give Egg Harbor drivers the chance to cruise around in a vehicle fit for a high-end car show.
Vehicle upkeep is a responsibility many here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin know about but few want to worry about themselves. The time spent in line at public car washes or wiping and vacuuming interiors in your home garage can instead be put to good use here at Bayside Auto! We are a fully staffed, all-inclusive interior and exterior vehicle detailing shop based in Sturgeon Bay, and each of our auto detailing packages and add-on services are designed to take the duties of car care off your shoulders with ease. The paint decontamination efforts we provide to cars, trucks, and SUVs gently remove contamination while interior stain removal, allergen remediation, and odor extraction will make you believe you just recently purchased your trusty ride!
CALL (920) 818-0955
Not only do many of your paint and other surface contaminants need special attention to detail in order to eliminate, your car, truck, or SUV here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin has many hidden exterior areas that collect contamination. Each exterior detailer here at Bayside Auto is trained in hunting these areas down and expertly cleaning them!
Every time a vehicle’s cab gets messy, most owners will bust out a bucket of warm water, the shop vac, and a few air fresheners. The effort is there, but the expertise in what to look for in refreshing a vehicle’s interior is missing. Trust Bayside Auto with the task of odor remediation, stain removal, and giving your automobile a brand new look inside.
Our team founded Bayside Auto here in Sturgeon Bay with boundless knowledge around how to handle the various contaminants that collect on vehicle interiors and exteriors. Only here at our expert detailing shop will you find complete detailing packages and add-on exterior surfaces that are capable of not only cleaning vehicle surfaces but keeping them decontaminated and safe from many threats.
Vehicle surface degradation and common wear and tear is unavoidable, unless you simply do not purchase a vehicle altogether. Time and time again, cars, trucks, or SUVs here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin sustain scrapes, light scratching, stains, oxidation, nicks, and even more elaborate surface degradation. You may drive careful, but when threats and debris take their toll, call on Bayside Auto for paint restoration and correction! Designed to suit the wide range of automobiles found here in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, Bayside Auto’s paint correction specialists use cutting with compounds to level dings and marks in your vehicle’s clear coat, buffing and polishing services to amplify gloss and shine, and jeweling to increase detail, depth, and paint color richness. We also have profound painting services backed by PPG Envirobase Paint to correct even tougher issues.
CALL (920) 818-0955
Newer automobiles tend to hide their defects behind the reality that the owner JUST purchased the automobile. But there is such a thing as dealership defects, where very light scratches and swirl marks sustained on the lot are masked by waxes and cheap sealants. Bayside Auto can buff and polish those discrepancies away to add MORE value to your new ride!
All types of surface defects, whether they are stains from Egg Harbor environmental contamination or etching caused by acid rain, mount and eventually devalue what you drive. Paint correction services remove the likes of light scratching, marring, etching, stains, and even oxidation, which actually prevents these issues from transforming into worse problems.
Do you have the need to have your ride’s paintwork redone due to massive defects or other surface degradation that goes far beyond simple paint correction? Bayside Auto offers auto body repair services, repainting processes, and other remedies to extensive surface damage done to your car, truck, or SUV. Contact us directly to inquire about the cost of these services today!